Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Planning for the edit

In order to create a gripping thriller film, careful planning for the edit was needed within our film. Our storyline involves a few jump cuts in various places with the effect of cross dissolves and additive dissolves to seperate each scene and make it clear to the audience that either the location has switched or the plot has progressed. These cross\additive dissolves also help our thriller film to run in a more smooth manor and keep flow from scene to scene. Careful planning for our thriller film was essential as we have a rather complex storyline in that there is confusion as to which character is being stalked and followed and which character commits the murder., therefore with the added effect of us cutting to another scene quickly doesn't give the audience a lot of time to get there head around which character is doing what. 

To begin with I grouped all of the shots together from the library and put them together in order to establish which ones I wanted to use. I then decided which shot i should put where. This helped us to understand which shots should be next to each other and should flow together, for example when Toby recieves the text saying 'RUN" from the unknown number, we thought that the shot following this would be the image of Jack (me) lying dead in the lift to imply to the audience that Toby really did need to run as he could be in grave danger. 

In our cliffhanger shot of Toby getting an unknown hand being placed firmly on his shoulder, the sun was unexpectadley bright on the day, therefore before beginning the edit we said that we would darken the shot. This created a darker and more dismal ending for us rather than a bright ending which isnt the feeling we wanted to establish for the audience. The darkened cliff hanger at the end suggests that Toby is stuck in this high and unscapable place as he is over looking the city where there are clearly many places he could have gone but can no longer go as his only escape was a vertical 30ft jump, and now has Harry played by Luke standing directly behind him blocking his only way out. 

We really wanted to create an impact of the title of our thriller film, therefore we planned to edit our film so that it was in time with our soundtrack, we planned to do so that there was a silence before a sudden high pitched shreik, followed by the big, bold title of our thriller film which we plan to call The Pursuit. This creates a big impact as it takes up a large section of the screen and is clearly readable, it also helps the title to stick in the mind of the audience. 

1 comment:

  1. A useful post. Watch the length of your sentences! Well done Fred.
